11 deg. design is a designers unit, a first-class architect Hanazono Sonoe and Matsumura Aiko, based in Osaka.
We aim to design the creation of a strong locality like naturally accruing from the site, with utilizing the architectural method for construction of the material. We design architecture, landscapes, space, products, small items, event, etc.
Please feel free to contact us at email for requests or consultations.
We are also waiting for you at our base, "Tsubame Roof" which is created by us.
Tokikita 87-5, Naka-ku, Sakai, OSAKA, Japan 599-8242
*Check the open days and hours in that website.
2008- designed "Solar Plants" as Ask Nature Designer
1997- Principal of Hanazono Design Office.
1993-96 Worked at KAN IZUE Architect & Associates.
1992- Study abroad at Glasgow School of Art (Urban
Design Course) in Scotland.
1992 Got a master's degree from Waseda University.
1990 Graduated from Waseda University, Department
of Architecture.
1967 Born in Hiroshima.
(First-class Architect No.256761)
2018- Representative of TSUBAME ROOF.
2013- Part-time lecturer at Sozosha Design College.
2003 Established Matsu Design Office.
2001 MD Architecture Office.
1997 Shinzo Ishii Architecture Office.
1996 Study abroad in Shanghai, travel to various countries.
1995 After working part-time at the Sakakura Architectural 1973 Born in Sakai, Osaka.
(First-class architect No. 332637 / Interior coordinator registration number 011025A)